I’m having a crap day.

That wasn’t how I was planning on starting this blog. But I am.

We’re trying to find a new rental to move into, and keep missing out. Lottie did a lovely “code brown” in her pants just as we got to our morning activity, and both girls are a little under the weather, so we all had a good cry in the car on the way home.

I know in the scheme of things that doesn’t all seem that bad, but today, for me, it’s crap.

Which made me think even more about this blog. Some days we feel like we are totally winning! On Sunday, I took the family with me on a blog shoot and it felt like a real #mumaboss moment!

Anchor Protein+ flavoured Milk

But some days you don’t feel like you’re winning (like today for me *insert crying emoji…

We all lead crazy/busy lives, so having a few tricks up our sleeve to help us get through the day is important (like packing an Anchor Protein+ flavoured milk in the nappy bag, to give me that extra kick of energy I need sometimes).

I’m a fan of making ALL areas of our life easier, so this blog gives you a few #mumlife hacks, and if you are after some PREGNANCY STYLE hacks, read this post, or if you want to read about some of my favourite STYLE LESSONS to make your everyday style easier, have a read of this blog.

So for all those days that you feel like life is falling down (or feels like it’s teetering) here are some quick life hacks that have been getting me through this crazy time of life.

My toddler loves to empty the basket of pegs on the middle of the living room floor, so when I’ve got no pegs left for the onesies, this is my go-to hack for the clothes line.
I tell my styling clients this all the time! If you don’t have time to get dressed in the morning (especially if you’ve got a tiny human attached to your hip), then plan your look the night before.
BONUS TIP: create a few ‘break in case of emergency” outfits. Ones that you know you can pull out any morning when the sh*t hits the fan.

This is the only reason I haven’t ordered UberEats today! I had a yummy lunch in the fridge that I’d cooked yesterday, when things were going a little more smoothly…..
I don’t have too many breast-feeding specific clothes, so I just use a claw clip for my hair to pull any old top up out of the way. You can pick one up from Kmart or Countdown for a couple of bucks.
This is me right now. No makeup, dirty hair (can you see the bloodshot eyes from the crying??) But the girls are in bed, and I’m taking some time for myself to have a quick afternoon pick-me-up thanks to Protein+ flavoured milk.

Making the most of the limited time you have to yourself is the name of the game, whether you’re a mumma or not. Having a few little tricks up your sleeve, can really take the pressure off daily life… and trust me, I know. I’m having one of those days today.

I hope this helps you get through one of those days yourself!

Until Next Time, In Love & Style Always,

These mum hacks are brought to you by Chasing Cait and Protein+ flavoured milk.
It comes in three yummy flavours, vanilla, chocolate and berry, and is the perfect mid-arvo snack to help you get through the rest of your day.
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