featured image-spring

I know, I know, I’ve started to talk about Spring quite a but recently, BUT I REALLY JUST WANT IT TO BE WARM ALREADY!…. oh gosh, sorry for the shouting, I think the cold is starting to seep into the brain.

Anyway, all this talk of Spring has got me thinking about ways to really revitalize your Spring look – seeing as it is just around the corner! Am I’m not just talking wardrobe, I mean skin, hair, the whole shebang!

So here are my top 5 tips to revitalize your Spring Look

1. Invest in your Springtime Skin



Estee Lauder Revitalizing Supreme Global Anti-Ageing Creme

As I get older, I really understand that the better I treat my skin, the better it looks and feels. Now is as good a time as any to invest in a high-performance anti-ageing cream that addresses multiple anti-ageing concerns (lines, wrinkles, loss of firmness, dullness, dehydration…. all the usual suspects)

This luxurious new Revitalizing Supreme Global Anti-Ageing Creme from Estee Lauder does just the trick, it intuitively knows your skin’s needs and addressees them – all in one pretty pack.

2. Start wearing colour again


GET THE LOOK: 1) Witchery cap sleeve maxi $169.90 | 2) Witchery safari earring $39.90 | 3) Witchery print scarf $54.90

I KNOW I said it wasn’t all wardrobe, but hey, I am a Style Coach after all. Inject some colour into you look again – get over the boring blacks and greys.

Black can be really ageing (and who wants to look OLDER!) so why waste all the hard work of you new Estee Lauder cream by making yourself look older again?

You will be surprised at how much better it makes you feel too add that pop of pink, or a splash of green – or even start with adding a more colourful scarf if it’s still a bit nippy outside.


3. Make friends with your trainers again!

so funny yet so true! I love my Zumba class

so funny yet so true! I love my Zumba class

Someone said to me recently, “your summer body is made over winter” – so simple yet so true. But you know, if like most of us, you sat on the couch all winter, Spring is just as good a time to start exercising again. Not only will you look good, you’ll FEEL younger and more revitalized too! I know I do!

I’ve been getting my boogie on at my local Zumba class, and the boy and I just joined the gym too (6 months until the wedding people!)

4. Get a haircut!


Always a great way to update your look without spending too much (well depends right). For all you kiwi’s reading this, check out Flossie.com for some great deals on quiet-time hair appointments with some of the best salons around the country.

Whether it’s just a trim/colour top-up or a whole new look, new hair can make you look like a new person, it can even take years off your age! Bring it!

5. Invest in some new shades


GET THE LOOK 1) Karen Walker ‘faithful’ sunglasses $307 | 2) Super Sunglasses $255 | 3) Marc by Marc Jacobs cat eye sunglasses $135. All from shopbop.com

This might sound super-specific, but as a Queenslander living in NZ now, I notice that you guys don’t really rock the sunglasses, particularly in Winter.

But with Spring just around the corner, it’s time to re-think that! Not only does a cool pair of shades add to your overall look, they fit right into the anti-ageing theme we have going here – they stop you squinting, which stops the wrinkles! VITAL if you want all the other revitalizing things we are doing to work.

So whether it’s investing in a new high-performance moisturiser, getting back to the gym, or adding a little more colour into your wardrobe, there are so many quick and easy ways to revitalize your look for Spring

Which one will you be doing? (ALL of them I hope, I know I will?) What are YOUR tips for looking younger and fresher when Spring hit? Tell me in the comments below, I’d love to know.

Until Next Time
In Love & Style Always
Cait xoxo

This post was brought to you by Estee Lauder Revitalizing Supreme Global Anti-Ageing Creme – please support brands that support this blog.