So incase you didn’t see last weeks post (you can read it here), I’ve started a new series on the blog all about our relationships with our bodies. So many GORGEOUS women I talk to daily have such a negative image of themselves, I think it becomes standard in our society. And I HATE that.
I want to start an open conversation every week on the blog about our bodies, and to give some amazing women I know the opportunity to share their body journey. If you can take one positive learning about your own amazing body from someone else’s journey, then my job is done.
So here is the body journey of my gorgeous friend, and fellow baby-mama Brooke Fairgray.
Name: Brooke Fairgray
Age: 28
Clothing size: 14/16
How you know Cait: We became pals through her hubby Dean, then having bebes five days apart cemented the deal!
What do you spend your days doing: I am a mum to Grayson 11months and working for Saben mostly in a marketing capacity
Tell me a little about how you feel about your body now?
Blurgh! Not great. AT ALL… I knew there would be changes, but I wasn’t in the least bit emotionally prepared for how I would feel about said changes.
Did you always feel like that?
No way, pre-babe I was neither super syched nor embarrassed. I just kind of accepted it was how it was. Not shy, not proud. Just walked that line between.
What are the three favourite parts of your body?
Gaaaaaah? It used to be my arms – they never(USED TO) seem to carry extra flappy bits, so I could do a strappy floaty dress…. These days I would say, my eyebrows (when there are two of them) my hair (when its cleaned) and I guess that really just leaves my arms huh.
What is beauty to you?
CONFIDENCE! And good skin. I think if a women is confident n herself, that exudes. (AND beautiful skin is stunning!)
What is one way you celebrate your body everyday?
Visually I am really not applauding it – BUT I am still breastfeeding Gray, and am constantly taken by the fact that my body made him. From scratch!!! AND it continues to nourish him.
Where do you feel the most pressure comes from to look a certain way?
Myself – and the ‘gram. I am a fashion fan, so mostly I get sad when an epic piece doesn’t fit, or those jeans don’t go up to my size. THEN, there are some days when I don’t quite manage to keep my insta stalking in check.
What do you do to combat that?
Put my phone down, get the (STRETCHY) athleisure wear on and get some fresh air with bebe G!
What does a positive body image mean to you?
Hmmmmmm, do you now what – I’m not actually sure?
What is the best piece of advice you’ve heard about how you think about your body?
It doesn’t get better than right now. Tomorrow you’ll be a little bit older, or a little bit fatter, or you’ll have a second kid and the saggy stretchy bits will be saggier and stretchier. Just embrace the now, it really doesn’t get better and you don’t want to look back and think ‘I wish I had…’
Thanks Brooke! I think you are THE most gorgeous person inside and out! I love that piece of advice – “it doesn’t get better than right now”. Its about time we embrace our bodies as they are right??
Tell me about your body journey in the comments below, or even just start with sharing something you LOVE about your body – come on, you can do it x