If you are like most women, the first thing you do when you stand in front of a mirror is focus on the parts of your body you DON’T like.
Why do we do this? We are so critical or ourselves! No one else is that critical of our body shape, and we certainly wouldn’t be as mean about another woman’s body as we are about out own don’t you agree?
Well I’m on a mission to change the way we think about our bodies!
One of the first things I get every single one of my style coaching clients to do is tell me their THREE BEST PHYSICAL ATTRIBUTES. that’s right, the three thing they like the MOST about their bodies – it’s a struggle for most of them.
[line]Dress to show off your best bits, not to cover your worst bits[line]
By getting women to acknowledge their favourite parts of their bodies, our style coaching sessions are then filled with advice on how to show them off.
When your good bits are on show, you feel better about how you look. Everyone is noticing how incredibly tiny your waist is, or how long your legs are (and certainly NOT noticing your bum, or your arms, those bits you aren’t a fan of).
Now it’s your turn! I want you to tell me YOUR three favourite attributes. Either do it in the comments below, or over on Facebook, whatever works for you.
Editors note: One of my gorgeous readers pointed out to me that I have to practice what I preach so MY three best bits are my HAIR, my LEGS and my HEIGHT – see? It’s really that easy
By telling me your best bits, you’ll go into the draw to win a THREE MONTH subscription to StyleMail, my online styling sessions. So go on, get telling!
Until next time,
In Style & Love Always
Cait xoxo
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Hi Cait,
I met you in the Myer Centre in Brisbane a few weeks ago. I was up from Melbourne (originally from NZ) visiting my sister. Also my parents were over. I was lucky enough to be able to have a wardrobe consultation.
Whilst I knew the basics you have helped more than I could’ve imagined. You’ve given me the courage & inspiration to try different clothes, accessories and using the clothes I already have to their full potential.
My favourite body parts are my:
Collar bones/ shoulders
Long arms
Thank you so much once again Cait. I hope our paths cross again sometime
Warmest regards
Jodie Matson
Hey Jodie! I’m so glad you got some useful ideas out of our session – it was so nice to meet you 🙂 Great work on working out your good bits! Now, as we talked about in our session, make a point of showing them off when you get dressed in the mornings – keep up the good work Cx
Great post! We’re so mean to ourselves sometimes!! Growing up I used to hate my bum and thighs and spend hours trying to make them look smaller. Now I don’t even care! I love my body for how it is as it’s part of who I am.
Your so right, alot harder than I thought! (like, took me half an hour, shows how much I need to change that image!)
I guess for me its:
my boobs (busty but not too big for my size)
my waist (not my tum but my silhouette)
My calfs (nicely shaped from wearing heels I think lol)
Yay I’m glad you took the time to think about it then!
Now the trick is to really think about those parts you like, are dress to show them off! X
My favorite attributes are:
– My waist
– Chest (I didn’t have any boobs until I was 25 so that was quite a welcomed change 😉
– Hair
I’m curious though – what are your favorite attributes Cait? xx
Oh hey you – great question! Mine are my hair, my height and my legs to name a few. I’m pretty happy with my shape and how I look, of course there are things I would change, but why bother with those bits when we all have good bits to focus on!! xx
This is such a simple but fantastic way to stop thinking about what I don’t like and focus on the positives! I like my shoulders, my calves and my ankles & wrists (I like them equally so I had to include both as I couldn’t decide!).
Hey Kelly! I’m so glad you think that way too – we need to focus more on the positives, and I LOVE that you have more than three!! nice work!
My three favourite attributes are:
long thin legs
long thin arms
dark shiny hair
Nice work Kerrie!! Think about how you can show them off when you are getting dressed in the mornings 🙂
I like my collarbones, my little waist and my back. Small tops and A Line skirts a go!
Great Di, love an good Aline skirt