Haha I have to laugh how I call it my “weekly” roundup of #everydaystyle, when in reality it’s my “whenever I remember” round up (I’ve never been a sticker for consistency).
I DO have to say though, that this is my favourite time of the year – it’s FINALLY summer! Which means bright colours, prints and only one layer of clothing (it’s the small things that amuse me you know).
In case you are new to the blog, here is a little bit about what #everydaystyle is and why I do it (would you believe it’s NOT because I like having my pic snapped everyday!?)
Everyday Style is the brain-child of amazing blogging guru Nikki Parkinson from Styling You. She started Everyday Style so women everywhere could share their everyday looks, whether it’s for work, or play, or staying at home, or meetings, or party!
It’s about admiring the style of other women, and sharing looks that you have out together no matter you lifestyle or budget (I may have even bought a couple of things based on other’s Everyday Style pics!).
Whether you use it just as inspiration, or you literally buy the whole look piece-piece someone is wearing (I’ve TOTALLY done that), Everyday Style is a fun and useful way to get your fashion fix.
So here are just a few of the outfits I’ve worn over the last few weeks (current season garments have links)
I’m wearing:
Left – right: Piper dress from Myer, hat from Dressmart, Converse trainers | Jeanswest tee, Forever New skirt, Mr W & Me shoes | Glassons top, Max shorts, Famous Footwear sandals, J Crew necklace | dRa dress from Shopbop, Famous Footwear sandals
I’m wearing:
Left – right: Witchery dress and sandals, Jay Jays vest, Target necklace | St Frock shirt dress, converse trainers | Witchery top from Recycle Boutique, Sportsgirl pants, Nine West wedges | St Frock maxi, Spurr sandals from The Iconic.
EverydayStyle is about showing all those women out there that think you need to be tall and thin and rich to look good that you DON’T! Everyone can have fun with fashion and style, and shouldn’t have to break the bank doing it.
I’m a size 12 with some serious curve, and if I can put myself out there in a photo everyday, then you can rock those pants you didn’t think you could, and you should think about buying that dress that you were too shy to wear – EVERYONE has the right to look and feel good in the body they are in so embrace who you are and don’t be scared to show it through how you dress.
Show me YOUR #everydaystyle, I love to see what everyone else is wearing (it’s the voyeur in me…. wait, does that sound creepy?!) – tag me in your Insta snaps (@chasingcait) of share your outfit on my Facebook wall!
Hi Cait. Love reading your blog -why – because I love clothes, fashion, accessories, makeup… Love a day shopping and styling an outfit. And cause you have some great tips☺️ One thing I’m so bad at though is taking photos. I always hate photos, I take terrible photos, I think I look way nicer than I look in my photos and wish I had lots of lovely pics but alas no
Love it Cait x