So earlier in the week we were talking about one of my fave online sites, (read the whole post here). But online shopping can be scary, and so many of my styling clients tell me they are hesitant because they are unsure about sizing. I’m here to help with that a little today with a wee video showing you how to take your own body measurements.

Now all reputable online stores will have a SIZE GUIDE that gives you an indication of what the measurements they use for each particular size. Like this one…..

This is what a standard size guide looks like - this one is from Australian designer Sacha Drake

This is what a standard size guide looks like – this one is from Australian designer Sacha Drake

or this one….. size guide

Now this one from looks a little more complicated, but once you have your measurements, it is easy to navigate

One of the MOST important things to remember when using a size guide with your measurements is that there are NO STANDARDS for sizing around the world – so PLEASE don’t worry if your measurements are bigger or smaller than your ‘normal’ size. It has much more to do with the fit of the label that the size of your body.

Wouldn’t you rather have clothes that fit you properly that squeeze into your ‘regular’ size and not look good? I know I would!

Ok, so let’s get down to it. Most websites will use your BUST, WAIST and HIP measurements as their reference, so this little video is going to show you how to get those three measurements…. (oh and make sure you turn up the volume – it’s a little quiet sorry!)

click here

So there you have it! No excuses now not to know your measurements! And remember, to convert CM to INCHES, just multiply your centimetre measurement x 2.2 and that will give you inches (which some sizing charts use). Make sure you write down your measurements somewhere handy (in your phone perhaps) so you have them on-hand when shopping online – now go forth and purchase!!

Until next time,

Love & Style Always

Cait xoxo

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