Well that’s what the boys like to tell us anyway….but that’s not what this is about. Let’s talk about clothing size!
Go through your wardrobe, how many different sized clothes do you have in there? Three? Four? I would say that in general I am a size 12, BUT I have everything from 10’s, 12’s and 14’s to Smalls, Mediums and Larges and they all pretty much fit (give or take a centimeter/BigMac or two). I would put money on the fact that most of your wardrobes are the same right?
On the shop floor I often get asked “are your clothes a big fit or a small fit?” People are used to being a different size wherever they shop so its a pretty standard question when you go shopping so it doesn’t worry me that people ask that.
The Australian Standard for clothes sizes, first prepared in 1959, is based on data from a 1926 study by intimate apparel brand Berlei and a US Department of Commerce Standard from the 1950s so is this really relevant to women in 2010? Our bodies have changed so much in that time that I think no, it’s not so relevant to us now.
So what size are you? Well you are the size of the garment that looks the best on you. If that means wearing a size 10 in Country Road, size 12 in Cue, size M in Witchery and a size 3 in Scanlan & Theodore (although the 1,2,3 still throws me!) – DO IT!! The only person that is going to see the size tag is you. It is much more important to get an item of clothing that not only fits you, but flatters you (this is a running theme of mine – Fit vs Flatter but that is a whole other post – coming soon!). Would you rather have the size 8 tag on the inside but you have to constantly suck your tummy in, worry that you are going to tear a seam and be afraid to sit down in case you can’t breathe? Or is it better to go for the size 10 and be able to relax and have fun!! I know which one I pick!
The moral of the story? Try a few sizes on in the store if you are not sure, be prepared to wear a different size from shop to shop and don’t be scared to get the dress (or pants or top) in the size that looks the best on you. Remember, unless you wear the garment inside out, no one can see the tag!
Do you have trouble working out what size you are? Are you afraid to go up a size if it looks better? And how funny is the picture below!!
This is so, so true, Caitlin and something I’m always reminding my clients. I have size 10-16 in my wardrobe and they all fit well for me.