Oh hi there! Remember me? I was that chick who used to write a blog haha! But really, I’m back now I promise, so keep your eye out for regular Chasing Cait posts coming your way!

label i Love - Ezibuy header.jpgNow let’s get back into it with a Label I Love – EziBuy (yup you read that right, EziBuy). Now I know that some of you are looking at me funny, but have you seen their catalogues recently? I can’t get enough! EVERYTHING you could want under one roof (well on one easy website).

If you want to keep up with the latest trends (but don’t want to spend gazillions) then EziBuy has you covered (not a nana-knit or daggy dress to be seen!) OR if classic is your thing, you should see their range of blazers (in fact, check out THIS post for more on their fabbo blazers) and the have a whole separate section for DENIM!

Here are a couple of things that are available at EziBuy now that have made their way into my Autumn/Winter wardrobe….

The Leather Jacket

A great leather jacket is one of my favourite Autumn/Winter staples – you know that time when it’s not quite cold enough for a full on coat, but it’s a little nippy and you need an extra layer? A leather jacket is your solution to that problem!

There are two things I love about this leather jacket from EziBuy, the colour – it’s NOT black, and the shape – it’s cut to show off your shapes ladies, no blocky, boxy jacket here!

The Pink Coat

If you are into your trends then this is THE must-have coat for the season! Pink coats were all over the streets of New York and London last winter, and they have made their way down under just in time for ours.

If trends aren’t your thing, that’s ok – but you still need this coat because the colour is gorgeous, full stop, the end.

The Animal Print Trench

So animal print is either one of those things you love, or you hate. I have to admit I didn’t used to be a fan but it’s definitely growing on me! This trench is a great way to add some personality to any plain black winter outfit – I’ve teamed it up here with a black dress, tights and boots. Of course, I could have just added a black coat, but 99% of the time, I’d rather wear colour or print than all black so this gives me a fun option!

PLUS the shape of this trench is great – lots of shaping through the waist, so great for defining your shape, or even giving you shape if you don’t have much.

The Monochrome Dress

So this dress will work any time of the year, and monochrome is still going strong for Autumn/Winter. Add tights and boots as the temperature drops, layer a long top underneath, or add a blazer or coat to warm it up!

Now that is just some of the clothes, but there are AMAZING homewares (including a divine collection by one of my favourites, Trelise Cooper), duvet covers, candles and bedroom furniture just to name a few pieces you can pick up online (or in store!)

So jump online HERE and start shopping!

Until next time,
In Love & Style Always
Cait xoxo