I’m constantly surprised and delighted to find out when new people are reading ChasingCait, it’s even more exciting when I know them in real life too! So when I got an email from a dear friend who is currently over the other side of the world saying that he (yes he, that impressed me the most) has been reading, and more importantly enjoying my blog, I was quietly chuffed (you know who you are :-))
He also asked for a bit of advice (which I also love!) – he is going to kill me for writing this, but here is what he asked “Any chance of some fashion advice dedicated to clueless, but well-intentioned heterosexual men who want to look good for women but still look like a man and not totally gay?” So after discussing this dilemma with a few gorgeous female friends, here are my tips for looking great man-style (sorry it’s a bit of a long one, but I got so many great answers from my girls that I had to share as many of them as I could!):
Don’t try too hard: The most important pice of advice for anyone male or female is to be true to your own sense of style. Don’t feel like you have to fall into the latest trends if you don’t like them, or if they don’t look any good on you. In this case, boys, if you don’t like skinny jeans, or plaid shirts then don’t wear them!
Invest in quality: I’ve said it about girls clothes before too – invest in a few key pieces that really suit you and work from there. Jeans are the number one place to start for boys. The best style of jeans for almost EVERYONE (male or female) is a dark denim jean with a relatively slim fit, and a long leg that comes about 2 or 3 cm off the ground with shoes on. Brands like G-Star, Levi, Lee and Wrangler all do a great basic jean. Like I have said before though, don’t be scared to visit one of the speciality denim stores like JeansWest or JustJeans, most of the time the staff are great and they know their denim.
The same rule applies for a suit – go somewhere that specialises in selling suits and get a simple, well-cut suit for all occasions. Girls LOVE a man in a suit, that I can promise you.
Simple is best: You know that saying “keep it simple stupid”? Well fellas this very much applies to fashion as well. A great pair of jeans, a cool, slightly fitted t-shirt or collared shirt and a blazer or jumper is a great place to start. Now all this obviously depends slightly on the climate you live in. Those of you down south have it a bit easier, for us up here in the Sunshine State it’s stinking hot most of the time but the same rules apply. When it’s a little warmer, a nice pair of tailored shorts, a fitted T and some lightweight trainers are a great ‘casual’ uniform for afternoons at the pub, drinks with mates or a casual dinner or coffee date.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help: Shop somewhere that you know will give you good service, Roger David is a great example. The staff are friendly, helpful and know the stock in their store (most of the time). They will be able to tell you what the best shapes are for you in pants, jackets and shirts and also help you put looks together. Another great way to get a bit of help is take a ‘non-threatening’ girl shopping with you. Sister, friend, sister-in-law, mum (ok, maybe not your mum) – they will give you an honest girls opinion and you won’t feel silly trying to impress her.
Accessorise: Boys are so lucky because they get to wear ties! I love all the different fabrics and colours out there in ties, so many to choose from! If you have to wear a suit everyday, play around the colours in your shirts and ties to make your look a little bit more exciting. Scarves, hats, a great watch or a hot pair of sunglasses are all great ways of adding a little extra to a simple jeans and t-shirt outfit. It show that you put just a little more effort into getting dressed than throwing on the nearest thing off the floor.
It’s all about the shoes: You know by now that I am a shoe girl right? Well I’m a shoe girl when it comes to boys and their shoes too. Boys, if you want to impress the ladies, look after your shoes. You don’t have to wear the latest and great trendy pointy-toes tinklers but make sure your shoes are polished, not scuffed or falling apart, and that they don’t look like you are about to hike 500 miles or jump on a skateboard. oh and the most important shoe rule? Jeans with runners = hell no!
Shoe brands to try (click on the name for a direct link to their websites):
Converse – you can never go wrong with a pair of Chuck Taylors and jeans – one of my personal favs on all boys (especially my boy).
Witchery for Men – great selection of more trend-ish shoes at reasonable prices – these are great under suits, but also for a more “dressed up” casual look when you are going out to dinner or a bar.
Florsheim – great Australian line of shoe stores for both dress shoes and more casual options.
Polish it off: Again, I give this advice to the lovely ladies as well, make sure your look is polished. Clean hair, clean hands and nails (that is a BIG one for the girls) make sure you smell good (but not too stong), make sure your clothes are ironed, the hem on your pants is right (not too long or too short) facial hair is in check (stubble is hot, but keep it groomed), you get the idea. EVERY SINGLE girl I spoke to said that these things are important so it’s a great place to start!
Now I have to say, the more I have researched this, the more I realise that so many of the same rules apply for dressing men and women! It’s all about wearing what suits you and what you feel comfortable in. It has also become apparent that boys need to dress for their shape just as much as girls do.
For example, boys if you have broad shoulders and a narrow waist and bum, show that off – wear fitted styles of t-shirts and button up shirts that define your swimmer-esque body. If you have great guns (are they called des and troy? if so, get out now) wear clothes that draw attention to them – again with the fitted shirts. Don’t try and hide your shape by wearing loose-fitting or baggy clothes, the better things fit you, the slimmer you will look.
Last but not least, my special advice to my far-away friend. You are doing alright on your own and you look great just as you are. Confidence is the most attractive feature a man can ever possess so just be yourself (but if you want me to take you shopping when you come home, you know where to find me).
Girls, any advice for the men out there? Did I miss anything?
Guys, what are you best tips for your brothers-in-arms out there in the fashion world?
Oh, I love it when a man takes an interest in his appearance! And I agree: real men can wear pink!!!
I think they feel better when it’s called ‘salmon’ haha
These are great tips and I agree with everything but the lightweight trainers with shorts – maybe it is a cultural thing that is confusing things there. Last I checked trainers are almost akin to running shoes which I believe belong in the gym or on the track or running the road – not in the pub.
Other than that – awesome tips. Here’s another: If you have a business casual environment at work, skip the polo and go for a colorful button down shirt with a contrasting or complimenting colored Tshirt peeking from underneath. Definitely looks put together!
Thanks for the nice comment you left me!!
Haha lightweight trainers with shorts is DEFINITELY an Aussie thing – it’s too hot for jeans here most of the time!! Great tip, always love to add more advice to each post, loving your blog too!! x
Lots of great advice here for the guys in our life, Caitlin. I’m very lucky I have a man who likes to shop and always seems to get it right. Except for the cycling lycra.
We are both very lucky to have men who get it right when it comes to shopping aren’t we! I can’t help you with the cycling lycra – you’re on your own there 😉