You know when you hear a recording of your voice, and think “wow, Is that what I sound like?” Random, I know, but sometimes reading old blog posts do that to me – “is that what I really write like?” But at the same time it’s nice to sit back, and reflect on all the blood, sweat, tears and words that have gone into Chasing Cait this last year.

I wanted to share with you my top 10 posts of the year, but before I do, I wanted to say a HUGE thank you, to you, my lovely readers. It’s your comments, your emails, and your notes that keep me doing what I do. Keep it up! Don’t be scared to comment, I love to hear what you think on each post, don’t be scared to offer suggestions on new topics, after all I write this for you and most of all, don’t be afraid to be the BEST you you can be, inside and out.

On that note, here are the top 10 Chasing Cait posts of 2014…… enjoy!

10. My top 5 bright lippies of 2014 (December 22, 2014). A fresh post, but one of my faves. I’ve only really just discovered (or had the guts to wear, more like it) bright lipsticks so I thought I’d share my new-found passion with all of you. Read the post here



9. One Item Three Ways: The Printed Shirt (July 14, 2014). I lOVE showing you how to get more bang for your buck, and the One Item, Three Ways series is just that. This great blouse from EziBuy has come in really handy in my wardrobe over the past year and in this blog, I show you how you could get the most out of a printed shirt too. Read the blog here.


8. Label I Love: Leina Broughton (May 26, 2014). I love discovering and supporting local labels both here in NZ and in Aus. Leina Broughton is one such label – Based on the Gold Coast, Leina, and business partner Fleur are actually both kiwi’s so there’s a little kiwi twist to this label too. Read the blog here


7. What to Wear: To a Lounge Suit Wedding (July 5, 2014). So this post was written on the request of a girlfriend who was stuck, but also was quite timely for my own wedding (which is next month!). Read the blog here.


6. How to wear a Statement Necklace (May 19, 2014). Accessories in general, I think, are a great way to add your own personal style to any outfit, and the Statement Necklace is the QUEEN of doing that! This post shows you a few expert tips and tricks on wearing them well. Read the blog here.


5. The Top 5 other Style Bloggers You Should Follow (August 11, 2014). These are 5 of my fave style bloggers and I wanted to share the bloggy love with you too. The best of the best from home and afar – they are all REAL women who are easy to relate to and steal their style (which I totally do!) Read the blog here.


4. Six bra-friendly maxi dresses (Nov 28th). This is a post close to my heart. As a bigger-busted girl I know how hard it can be to find things that fit. So I did my research and found a few! Read the blog post here.


3. Everyday Style Bloopers (June 23, 2014). I love taking the micky, and let me tell you, there is PLENTY of opportunity when I’m taking my daily #everydaystyle pics!  Read the blog here 


2. How to Create a Capsule Wardrobe (July 28, 2014). I love that this was one of the most popular posts, it’s what I spend a lot of my time doing with my Style Coaching clients too – giving them the basics to build a versatile and useful wardrobe around. Read the blog here


And the number one blog post for 2014……… well duh, I do love me some draped pants! This post might be from the start of the year, but it’s still relevant now with all those gorgeous pants in store! They are flattering and comfy, what a winning combo!

1. Trend to Try: Draped Pants (Feb 13, 2014) read it here!

chasing-cait-draped-pants-trend-to-trySo that’s it – from 10 to 1, the top Chasing Cait blog posts for 2014. Were there any of your faves that I missed? And what would you like to see on the blog next year? Tell me in the comments below, I’d really love to hear!

So on that note, have a Very Happy and Fun New Years Eve and I’ll be talking to you again in 2015!!

Until next year!
In Style & Love Always,
