Shhhhhh want to know a little secret? I love crafty crap (*see footnote). Just ask my mother, I’m sure there are BOXES of all my crafts taking up precious cupboard space at my parents house to this day……
Ok, wait, I have to explain the ‘crafty crap’ reference. My mum, her best friend and her best friend’s sister, along with all female children of afore-mentioned ladies would often converge at someone’s house a week or two before Christmas to make hand-made decorations, gift wrapping and cards. It is really just an excuse to drink champagne, but it was also given the name “crafty crap” or “Christmas Crap” lovingly by one of the participants and been henceforth know as that. PS.It wasn’t ME who gave it that name. Just sayin’
Anyway! So when the awesome girls at Beat PR and asked my to play some DIY with one of their basics pieces (the Jasmin oversized tee – RRP $25 – buy it here) how could I say no!
Now I’m always banging on about how accessories make the outfit well with this little challenge, I’m adding the accessories TO the outfit. Here’s the kit provided me with to get my creative juices flowing:
And here is the lovely plain tee they sent me along to transform! (using my grade 3 craft skills)
Good tee, simple, oversized, great with leggings or skinny jeans (buy the TEE here from
So in my little pack, I have the following bits of crafty crap to play with:
~ DIY studs
~ a rainbow of stick-on jewels
~ puff paint (PUFF PAINT PEOPLE!!) in four colours
here’s the work in progress:
So after days of drawing and planning, and hours of gluing and studding and puff-painting, here’s the final result:

I’m not much for fuss on my clothes, so a little bling here and there goes a long way for me!

everyone, meet Arya the kitten – she was the real star of the photoshoot today!

cheeky isn’t she

oh but so cute!!

the end. thanks boohoo xo

just a little somthin’ somethin on the back to keep it interesting too
Do you like? It’s not much, but I think a little bling in the day adds a lot!I decided to go light on the puff paint because being a lefty, I tend to make a mess when I write with a normal pen – can you imagine the smudges with puff paint?! Do you love your crafty crap too? I’d love to hear about your DIY successes! Tell me in the comments below!
Cait xo
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Love the personalized tee shirt Cait! I actually like that you didn’t go overboard with paint, colored stones etc. You added just the right amount of bling and I also really like the detailing at the back. So cute!
x Pearl
oh thanks hon! yeah, OTT not my style – glad you like it xx