I have a love/hate relationship with my eyebrows. It was all hate until a beauty-savvy girlfriend of mine showed me how to fill them in – then it was love (when I could it right!!) I have always wanted to get my eyebrows ‘professionally shaped’ but never really got around to it.

Soooo when the lovely peeps at Groupon.com.au contacted me and asked if I would like to a few vouchers to experience some of the group-buying deals that Groupon offer, I jumped at the chance! Who doesn’t want eyebrows like Kim Kardashian?? (oh, you don’t? Ok, but I do)


I want her eyebrows, oh who am I kidding, I want her life!


Knowing that I am sucker for budget fashion and beauty, the awesome guys at Groupon suggested that I try out one of the beauty offers, and blog about it! What a great idea.

Their next suggestion was EVEN BETTER! “How about we also give you a voucher to give away to one of your lucky readers! Genius!

So my loves, I have 1 x $50 Groupon voucher to give away, but first I need to tell you about my Groupon.com.au experience.

1. Finding the right deal for me….

Like I said, eyebrows were my number one priority so I signed up to get the daily emails from Groupon about deals in my city, but I made sure I had a quick look on the site every couple of days for the national deals too.

After a few days, bamo! An eyebrow offer! Super!

The Groupon deal that caught my eye (brows)


2. Securing the deal.

So I nabbed this deal right away! Kim’s eyebrows here we come! The Groupon website was easy to use, a couple of clicks and the details of the deal arrived in my inbox! I called the number on the deal to book my appointment with the lovely girls at Beauteazy in Teneriffe.

(Just a side note, these girls also do Shellac nails, and we know how much I LOOOOOOVE Shellac nails – don’t remember how much? Read about it here.)

3. Redeeming the deal.

D-day for me and my eyebrows. I rocked up to Beauteazy in the midst of a thunderstorm (I can’t do anything without a bit of drama) and was greeted by the lovely Talitha who was my brow consultant. She sat my down and gave me a mirror and told me to talk about my relationship with my brows (this felt like a brow-counselling session, but it felt good to get all the angst out!). Then Talitha told me what she needed to do with my brows to make them Kim-worthy!

Talitha: We just need to correct your shape

Me: yeah, those little bits there never grow

Talitha: Oh that’s ok, it will only take 6-12 months to get them right

Me: so they won’t be right by this weekend then?

It’s ok though, in the mean time, Talitha waxed the bits she wanted to get rid of, tinted the bits that needed to stay (yes, I’m still talking about my eyebrows) and showed me how to fill in the blanks (so to speak) while I wait for my hair to grow back. She also told me that she was putting a lighter tint on my eyebrows than maybe I have had before because she didn’t want them to be too dark with my hair being slightly lighter (remember that time I went blonder? Well it’s still blonder)

I was also lucky enough to get an eyelash tint included in the package, (this adds some volume to your lashes so you don’t have to wear as much mascara) and a wicked head massage!! If you are in need of a new beautician in or around inner Brisbane, this girl gives the best head (massages!) around! And she is sooooo lovely to boot!

Ok, enough with the girl crush, want to see the results?

Here is the before (please be kind, I am wearing NO makeup!):

My naked eyebrows


Once more for fun:

DON’T look at my blackheads ok? Focus on the eyebrows people!

Ok, want to see the fabulous results?

ignore the crazy-person stare – how much better are the brows!

See how much thicker and fuller they look??

Do you likey? I likey! Just think how amazing they will be in 6-12 months times when Talitha has worked even more of her magic!

So here is the part you have all been waiting for! How to win you very own Groupon voucher to spend as you wish!

All you have to do is leave a comment in the section below and tell me what you dream beauty treatment on a budget is?? Simple huh!

Good luck! xx

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