Colour Pop post: top 5 pinks

I’M BACK!! Only just, man that thesis was almost the end of me! Apologies for not adding a blog post or seven since the due date, I think I used up all the words in my brain writing 30,000 of them to finish my Masters thesis, but now it’s done and...

The one where I go shopping in my jammies

Don’t worry I didn’t leave the house (but I was wearing my Ugg boots!), yes I’m talking about online shopping. Two words that make my credit card squeal from inside my purse. After a conversation on Friday night with THE most glamorous person I know...

Do you need a little luxury in your life?

Sitting in the bath last night (didn’t Einstein have all his great ideas while sitting in the bath?) I was thinking about how lucky I am to have the luxury of time to actually sit in the bath and thing about how lucky I am (got it?). Which got me thinking about...