by Caitlin @ Chasing Cait | Feb 27, 2013
Welcome to the final post in our Accessories Week series on the blog! So we’ve spent most of the time talking about jewellery, but there is more to accessorising than just the jewellery. Shoes, hats, scarves and bags also feature in the accessories category!...
by Caitlin @ Chasing Cait | Nov 9, 2011
I’M BACK!! Only just, man that thesis was almost the end of me! Apologies for not adding a blog post or seven since the due date, I think I used up all the words in my brain writing 30,000 of them to finish my Masters thesis, but now it’s done and...
by Caitlin @ Chasing Cait | Aug 29, 2011
Don’t worry I didn’t leave the house (but I was wearing my Ugg boots!), yes I’m talking about online shopping. Two words that make my credit card squeal from inside my purse. After a conversation on Friday night with THE most glamorous person I know...
by Caitlin @ Chasing Cait | Mar 31, 2011
Sitting in the bath last night (didn’t Einstein have all his great ideas while sitting in the bath?) I was thinking about how lucky I am to have the luxury of time to actually sit in the bath and thing about how lucky I am (got it?). Which got me thinking about...