by Caitlin @ Chasing Cait | Sep 8, 2014
I don’t know about you, but I find each different season brings different needs to my hair and skin. Also have just jumped on a plane across the ditch to warm and humid Queensland, straight away my hair and skin reacted! (that was nice of them wasn’t it!)...
by Caitlin @ Chasing Cait | Jul 25, 2014
Summer, oh how I miss you. All that is in my summer beauty bag is a bit of 30+, a bit of BB cream and some lip gloss (ok, there’s a little more to it than that, but I’m sure everything seems easier in Summer!) Ok, enough pining for Summer, Winter is here...
by Caitlin @ Chasing Cait | Jun 19, 2014
Both The Boy and I have been pretty lucky when it comes to our skin, neither of us have had too many problems with irritations such as Eczema, but as the time gets closer for us to start thinking about having bubbas (no Mum, I’m not pregnant!) we are also...
by Caitlin @ Chasing Cait | May 12, 2014
Whoa, two beauty posts in two weeks! What is going on! Don’t worry, I’m not turning into a beauty blog, I’ve just been lucky enough to try a few different products recently and thought I’d share my new discoveries with you on the blog. So this...
by Caitlin @ Chasing Cait | May 9, 2014
So if you are a regular reader of the blog you know that fashion and clothes and shoes and stuff? That’s my thing. Beauty? Not so much. Sure I love a new lippy as much as a the next girl but I don’t by any means claim to be an expert. What I DO love about...