Black to Basics: How & when to wear black

Black to Basics: How & when to wear black

No that’s not a typo in the title. This post is all about taking black back to basics. Poor black gets a bad wrap, especially here in New Zealand. Ask anyone, and they think they wear too much of it, yet it seems to be all that’s available to buy. Everyone...
What I Wore Today: Black is the New Black

What I Wore Today: Black is the New Black

If you are a regular reader of the blog, you know I only have three rules (here’s the post if you are a newbie, oh and hi! Welcome, please stay and have a look around). Sorry, where was I? Oh yeah, three rules – let’s not get me started on the tights...

What I Wore Today: Black is back!

True story about this jumpsuit – I was in Jeanswest with a styling client and another lady came out of the change room in this jumpsuit! I feel in love instantly! I told her so, and told my client she needs to get one – the lovely lady was so wonderful...