Label I Love: EziBuy

Label I Love: EziBuy

Oh hi there! Remember me? I was that chick who used to write a blog haha! But really, I’m back now I promise, so keep your eye out for regular Chasing Cait posts coming your way! Now let’s get back into it with a Label I Love – EziBuy (yup you read...
Champagne taste on a beer budget

Champagne taste on a beer budget

This was a saying my mother always used to say to me! “You have champagne taste but you only have a beer budget” …. meaning that I like too much nice stuff. But over years and year of a) liking nice stuff and b) working in the fashion game, I think...

Body Shape Basics: The Apple

It’s time for the last, but certainly not the least of our gorgeous body shapes – the juicy Apple!! Now for all you older ladies out there, this shape may start to sound familiar – it tends to be a shape quite a few of us turn into as we get a little...