by Caitlin @ Chasing Cait | Jan 25, 2018
Now I know that most of us are back from our big summer holiday, but there is still quite a bit of summer left, including a few long weekends. So many of us make a big deal about leaving the city we live in for a break, but the idea of the ‘staycation’,...
by Caitlin @ Chasing Cait | Oct 25, 2017
You know I love flexibility in my wardrobe. I bang on about it all the time. And I think it’s especially important when you have limited space, be that in your everyday wardrobe, or more so in my case, in my suitcase! (check out this post I wrote about how to pack a...
by Caitlin @ Chasing Cait | Oct 2, 2017
I don’t get out much at the moment. Tiny humans tend to put the brakes on much of a social life right? haha! So when I do get the chance to go out, I want to make the most of it! Sure, dinner with the hubby is always a nice option, but I’m really missing...
by Caitlin @ Chasing Cait | Nov 16, 2016
If I had a dollar for every client that said to me “I just want to be comfortable”, well, let’s just say my shoe-robe would be a LOT bigger…. I get it, we like to be comfortable. I mean who doesn’t want to feel comfy and relaxed in what...
by Caitlin @ Chasing Cait | Jul 29, 2015
Oh hey there, thanks for dropping by. Let’s chat! I love hearing back from you guys when a blog resonates with you, or when you think of something that I haven’t written about but you’d like to hear more about. It helps me make Chasing Cait better...