Where to find everyday style inspiration

Where to find everyday style inspiration

Personal style is something that I work hard with my styling clients to perfect, and I often get asked where I get my style inspiration. Some of my styling experiences come with a session where I create outfits for my clients out of their existing clothes, combined...
What Cait Wore: Everyday Style WrapUp

What Cait Wore: Everyday Style WrapUp

It’s been a while since I’ve done an everyday style wrap up so thought I owed you one 😉 Now, in case you are new to the blog, here is a little bit about what #everydaystyle is and why I do it (would you believe it’s NOT because I like having my pic snapped...
Elevate Your Everyday Style Part 3: The Pants

Elevate Your Everyday Style Part 3: The Pants

One of the biggest questions my personal styling clients ask me is how to make their everyday style just a little more exciting. So over the last few weeks, I’ve been talking you through some simple ways to give your wardrobe a little lift. We’ve looked at...