by Caitlin @ Chasing Cait | Jul 23, 2014
{oops! I got a little excited yesterday and hit publish on today’s post by accident – so consider that your bonus pot for the week people! Here is today’s post} Shoes that don’t hurt your feet. Yep. Caught my eye too! I love a high heel, but...
by Caitlin @ Chasing Cait | Feb 10, 2014
I’m not one of those people who is scared of online shopping – no sir-ee! I know that a lot of people out there are. Most of my clients are, most of my friends are, my mum certainly is (although she called me the other day just to tell me that she bought...
by Caitlin @ Chasing Cait | Aug 17, 2013
{this post was originally written for Pretty Mayhem – a beautiful blog by a friend of mine – go visit her site too ok?} Well we all know that Cinderella is proof that a pair of shoes can your life, well imagine what these 10 shoes can do! Here is my list...