by Caitlin @ Chasing Cait | Oct 3, 2014
So I still have two more weeks over here is sunny Brisbane working with the Myer Centre and I thought it was time to share the next trend in my Myer Centre Trend to Try series, Modern Nautical (if you missed last weeks, we talked about how to wear the Art Class trend,...
by Caitlin @ Chasing Cait | Jan 22, 2013
I may (or may not) have a slight obsession with navy and white stripes. There, I said it. In fact it’s so bad (or not so bad, really) that The Boy has even noticed! (eek!) But the GOOD thing about this obsession, is that navy and white stripes will NEVER be out...
by Caitlin @ Chasing Cait | Aug 15, 2011
When I worked in fashion PR (as you do daaaaarling) we used to have a joke about “Spring Trends”. What’s new this Spring? Wait, wait, let me guess; Nautical, Floral and White. Without a doubt, every September issue of every fashion magaine would...