The ONLY Fashion Rule You Ever Need To Follow

The ONLY Fashion Rule You Ever Need To Follow

Yes, I give out style advice. Yes, I talk about body shape, and colour, and things that will “flatter” your body. Yes, I recommend certain clothes over other. and yes, I still believe that leggings are not pants. But get what, there really is only ONE...
Winter Essentials Series: The Winter Dress

Winter Essentials Series: The Winter Dress

Welcome to The Winter Essentials Series on Chasing Cait. Over the next 5 weeks we are going to talk about the 5 items that I think everyone should have in their Winter Wardrobe (one each week), not matter what your body shape, budget or lifestyle.[line] If you are a...
Label I Love: EziBuy

Label I Love: EziBuy

Oh hi there! Remember me? I was that chick who used to write a blog haha! But really, I’m back now I promise, so keep your eye out for regular Chasing Cait posts coming your way! Now let’s get back into it with a Label I Love – EziBuy (yup you read...
March Must-haves

March Must-haves

Here are five fun things that have crossed my desk recently that I couldn’t help but share….. First of all, apologies for missing a blog post yesterday, I was busy re-building the whole website! Do you like? The idea was to put the focus back on all the...