The only 5 things you should wear over 40

The only 5 things you should wear over 40

Yep, I’m going there. But not how you think. I’ve thought long and hard about how to write this post without ‘yucking on someone else’s yum” and I don’t like to s*$t on another woman just doing what she thinks is right, but I saw a...
It’s ok to ask for help with your style

It’s ok to ask for help with your style

Now I’m not saying I’m an expert (oh no wait, I am) – style is my thing. BUT at the same time, I don’t know much about nutrition (I may, or may not be gluten intolerant, yet continue to eat gluten), so I”m getting help from a nutritionist...
Real Beauty is not Photoshopped

Real Beauty is not Photoshopped

There really isn’t much need to say a lot for today’s post, I think the video says it all. But you know, it’s me – so I have a little bit to say haha! This video really illustrates that there is no such thing as perfection – and...
What is confidence to you?

What is confidence to you?

I’ve had several conversations recently with different people around what I do for a living. Some of them are clients, some are friends, and all of them have seen me doing what I do. And the thing that comes up the most is that I give people back their...