Why I’m getting rid of half my wardrobe

Why I’m getting rid of half my wardrobe

Weeeeellll that’s not entirely true, but if you follow me over on Instagram or Facebook you’ll know I’ve had several HUGE clearouts of my wardrobe so far this year. And I think it would be pretty close to at least 1/3 of my wardrobe gone so far (and...
3 Ways to Spring Clean Your Life

3 Ways to Spring Clean Your Life

As I write this, I’m sitting on my back deck, under the umbrella in a summer dress and bare feet. I cannot tell you how happy that makes me! We are well and truly in the grips of Spring, which means Summer is not far away (about time woop woop!) so now is the...

My wardrobe clean-out (clothes for sale!)

As a Style Coach, I spend quite a bit of my time helping others clean out their wardrobes, it’s a great step to re-connecting with your own sense of style – out with the old, in with the new. So I thought I’d practise what I preach and do a HUGE...