He has been going on for ages about how he was going to do a guest post on the blog (he gets enough mentions to warrant that though!) so finally I have let him loose on the laptop…..enjoy!
As Cait says, I’ve been threatening to overtake the blog over a number of different topics, but Friday night led me to start typing. So here it is.
Don’t you hate it when you’re about to head out for dinner with friends, you’re dressed, your girlfriend is dressed, everyone is dressed and seemingly happy… Then you go to the bathroom and emerge two minutes later to find your girlfriend half undressed and in the process of removing said approved and happy outfit….WTF!
“What are you doing?” I asked
“I’m too hot, I’m over-dressed, this outfit isn’t right”
“It’s eleven degrees and the middle of winter, how could you be hot!”
She did look hot, nigh amazing, wearing a short black, recently purchased dress from Zara, green belt, black leggings, and little black ankle boots.
Fantastic! She more than matched my shirt, jeans and new suede boots!
So WHY, would she feel the need to change?
Apparently, the venue was a little underwhelming in the fashion stakes, and she didn’t want to make some sort of scene. Now what would be wrong with opening the restaurant door and having every person look at you and mentally compliment you on that outfit you so lovingly put together?
Now I’m not one to grandstand or play the part of the headline act, but surely it’s okay to flaunt it if you’ve got it?
Cait is tall and curvy and knows how to showcase the best bits of her body. So you should really listen to her when she passes on these pieces of fashion advice!
Ladies, if I can say one thing – learn to flaunt what you’ve got!
I’m not suggesting having everything hanging out, but if you aren’t happy with your rear end and have great boobs, then highlight your boobs! When it comes to men, you should all know by now that we are very easily distracted (ever try to have a conversation with us while the football is on?), so by showing a tasteful but saucy line of cleavage, we will revel in them!
There is nothing wrong with showing your bodies best bits – that’s (in some/most/all respects) what it is there for right? And if you decide on an outfit, and your partner compliments you on it – stick with it!
And on that note I say this:
“Are you ready yet dear?”
*Note the irony of the last line, as I’m always the last to be ready!
Is your man patient with you when trying to decide what to wear? Or does he take longer than you do!!
Got to love that boy! xx
He does alright doesn’t he 🙂 xx
Cutest blog post EVER. It is nice to read it from a guy’s perspective and I think my boyfriend can relate to this perfectly. If I am not 100% happy with my outfit (are we ever though?), I will sulk all the way to the venue….so Shaun knows to let me take as long as I need.
But hell hath no fury…if Shaun makes me late.
thanks babe! I’ll tell him you said so and watch his ego grow haha!! No really, he has a good insight into fashion and it’s nice to hear what goes on inside a boys brain sometimes!! xx