If you don’t know who Gok Wan is, read on my friends, read on!
Gok Wan is officially my new BFF (except you honey), only problem is, we have never actually met. HOPEFULLY this will change in two weeks time when Gok Wan comes to town!
Ladies (and gents) Gok is the gay male version of Trinny and Susannah (but nicer and with cooler hair – no offense T & S). He has a few shows on Foxtel – Gok’s Fashion Fix, How to Look Good Naked (the UK version, not the US version) basically he is your all round fashion guru. He is an expert on women’s body shapes, he LOOOOOOOOOVES boobs (but in a gay man way) and he is great at finding High Street (or what we call Chain Store) options to the latest and greatest fashion trends.
I love how Gok gets away with totally motor-boating women’s boobs (if you don’t know what that is, Google it. On second thought, don’t), feeling up their bums and basically touching them up without them minding. He really makes women feel like he cares about them, and more importantly, he makes women change how they feel about themselves.
Point of the story…. Gok’s mission is all about making women feel good about what they have! (hmmm….. sounds like someone else we know right?). He makes women confront their demons, learn to look at the reflection in the mirror in a positive light and realise that maybe the body they have is not as bad as they think! LOVE HIM! (also, the fact that he called himself Aunty Gok makes me love him even more!)
So imagine my excitement when I see that Gok is coming to Australia!! (I almost wee’d my pants! – too much? sorry, I’m excitable). And if you can’t make Tuesday the 11th October at Westfield Garden City, he is ALSO going to be a Westfield Chermside on Wednesday 12th Oct (do you think it would be considered stalking if I went to both events?! Don’t answer that.)
Here are the details for Gok’s Style Tour
Gok Wan Tour Dates
Westfield Miranda
Thursday 6 October, 6.00pm – 7.00pm
Westfield Parramatta
Friday 7 October, 12.30pm – 1.30pm
Westfield Kotara
Saturday 8 October, 12.30pm – 1.30pm
Westfield Eastgardens
Sunday 9 October, 12.30pm – 1.30pm
Westfield Garden City – I’ll be here
Tuesday 11 October, 12.30pm – 1.30pm
Westfield Chermside – ….. and here
Wednesday 12 October, 12.30pm – 1.30pm
Westfield Marion
Thursday 13 October, 6.00pm – 7.00pm
Westfield Belconnen
Friday 14 October, 6.00pm – 7.00pm
Westfield Southland
Saturday 15 October, 12.30pm – 1.30pm
Westfield Geelong
Sunday 16 October, 12.30pm – 1.30pm
Or click on this link to visit the Westfield page – Gok’s tour dates
So why should I go along? I hear you say. Well even though Gok is a ‘celebrity stylist’, he really seems to care about women, and his genuineness and passion for making women feel good comes across in everything he does – books, tv or live shows.
He has the same kinds of ideas about women that I do, he is all about empowering women with clothing, getting them to focus on the good parts of their bodies (because we ALL have them) and teaching them how to distract from the not so good parts.
His advice is smart, easy to understand, and I just love that he called boobs “bangers” all the time!
Ok, enough of the mindless gushing (how many times have you rolled your eyes, come’on, three? four?) just make sure if you have a change, you go and learn a little bit from this fabulous, fashion fairy! (and I’m sure he wouldn’t mind me calling him that… who wouldn’t want to be called fabulous…..)
Are you already a Gok fan? Or are Trinny and Susannah more to you liking? Or do you all think they are a waste of time?
Ladies, please take me stalking him… I’m a huge fan ! I will show up with my color blocking at garden city…. Cheers !
Oh I prefer Gok – he seems so less judgmental than Trinny and Susannah. Whether that is because he’s gay and I don’t pick up on any bitchiness I don’t know, but there’s something sweet and genuine about him. I think I might have to stalk him – and you – at the Garden City show!
Totally come stalk with me haha!!
I am so a GOK fan but lean a bit towards Trinny & Suzannah as well. I am so trying to see GOK at Garden City. I have previously won a makeover with Trinny and did the Australian Mission in 2010 and appeared on National TV BUT now I want to win one with GOK to compare. But Caitlin my dear, you gave a much more personal touch and I understood what you wanted me to wear.
Awwwwww thanks Deb! I had so much fun with you! (and everyone else you recommended too!) I’ll see you at Garden City!! xx