So I’m going to take a little bloggy break – don’t worry, just for a week or two while I finish writing my thesis (on fashion blogging ironically….) 15,000 words to go and my Masters is done-ski!!!!

I have to go concentrate on “serious academic writing” (picture me making the ” ” with my hands, cause that’s how I see it) this week so as much as I’d love to keep procrastinating by writing more incredibly awesome and witty blogs, I HAVE to concentrate.


So while I’m off on my “academic adjournment”, I thought I would re-hash some of my older posts for you – being that is also ONE YEAR exactly since I started my blog! (Happy blogging to me!).

Have you read this one?

If you’ve got ’em, flaunt ’em (pretty much my very FIRST blog post!)

Or this one?

Sport vs Science….. of shopping! 

Or this?

How to sell a frock on eBay… from one dummy to another

Or there was the boy’s guest post?

The one where the boy has a say

Oh, and did I mention that I MET GOK WAN!?!!?!?

The one where I meet Gok, for reals!

Lastly, I want to leave you with some pretty pictures of stuff I like (most of these are from my Pinterst site – if you like pretty pictures, you should DEFINETLY check out this site!)

ooooooh! to have THIS many shoes!!


They are shoes, and they are pink. That’s all!

Anybody else relate to this??

oh how I wish I could ACTUALLY say that to people!

RYAN. REYNOLDS…… no more to say


And on that very luscious thought, bye for now (I’m not going too far, in fact I’ll still be on this same computer, just with a much more pained expression on my face…)

