{oops! I got a little excited yesterday and hit publish on today’s post by accident – so consider that your bonus pot for the week people! Here is today’s post}

Shoes that don’t hurt your feet. Yep. Caught my eye too!

I love a high heel, but years of dancing, working on a retail floor and general wear and tear have wrecked my feet and heels are now only a short-time option.

It’s the burning pain on the balls of your feet after about 30 mins am I right? Well this amazing company promises to take that pain away! Introducing Mbuba (pronounced “boo-ba”)

Their shoes include:

  • flexible blended outer sole that allows your foot to flex naturally while you walk, eliminating that burning feeling on the front of your foot.
  • custom designed insoles that provide extra support and padding where they are needed most, to more evenly distribute your body weight.
  • dri-fit lining inside the shoes to evaporate sweat and avoid nasty odor and discoloration inside the shoe.
  • a range for women with wider feet



Sounds amazing huh! And not only have the come up with a really cool idea, Mbuba have come up with a novel way to turn their vision into a reality – with a Kickstarter campaign.

Kickstarter is a crowd-sourcing website where you can ‘pledge’ money to help a new company reach a goal, and in return, you get something back.

In this case, Mbuba are looking for $10,000 to kickstart production, hire a PR company and really get the company off to a good start. In return, if you pledge say $90, you get your very own pair of Mbuba shoes and an awesome tee shirt.

The more you pledge, the more you get back.

So why not get behind this great innovative (kiwi) idea and save your feet too!

Visit the Mbuba website HERE or see the Kickstarter campaign HERE.

Until Next Time,
In Style & Love Always
Cait xoxo