For me, black and white is a classic look, but the Monochrome trend is bringing it back to the fore. The trend has changed slightly from the block colours of solid black and white, and is moving more into graphic prints.

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So if you read that book from the 80’s Colour Me Beautiful (I LOVED that book when I was a kid…… foreshadowing on my future career much?!) you would have been told that unless you are a “winter” you really shouldn’t wear black or white. They are quite strong colours and can wash you out.

Well what I love about the new direction of the monochrome trend is that is suits EVERYONE! Because prints are big, it breaks up the black and white, making it less harsh, and more flattering on your skin.

Combine the prints with  pops of colour that are really complimentary to the bold black and white, this trend really is for everyone! Here are some examples…..(can you tell this is a fave trend of mine?!)


And here’s how you can do it yourself! Give these fun pieces a go……


One ~ Glassons print shorts $29.99Two ~ Portmans gridlock printed skirt AU$79.95Three ~ Sacha Drake Cersei linen maxi dress AU$197.49Four ~ Witchery stripe top $59.90

And just because the do monochrome so well, check out these awesome pieces from (my giraffe print pants are from them!)

boohoo monochrome

One ~ Iris monochrome shoes $65Two ~ Julia monochrome shift dress $40Three ~ Eva contrast slim leg trousers $55. Four ~ Frida geometric jumpsuit $55. Five ~ Katie monochrome dress $50

See! Black and white isn’t boring, it’s such a great way to stay within your comfort zone of safe colours, but at the same time, having fun with a trend! Does this trend appeal to you? Would you add a pop of colour or just stick to black and white? Tell me in the comments below.

Until next time,
In Love & Style Always
Cait xoxo


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