The thing I love the MOST about my blog is when friends and clients tell me that they really took notice of something they read. And they can hear my voice when they are reading…..

I can hear you screaming at me that leggings are not pants

is the most common thing they say…kidding. But really, I still get a buzz when people are actually interested in what I have to say!  I’m all about making fashion and beauty easy for everyday women and part of that is being relevant to your lives and telling you things that are useful to you.

So for this post I want to leave it up to you. I want you to tell me what you want me to blog about!

Would you like to hear more about:



~shoes (who doesn’t)

~body shapes


Or anything else you can think of?

I love it when you guys comment on my blog – I would love it if you would do it more too! Don’t be scared to add your voice to the conversation (Every comment counts to me and I’m not going to tell you off, well maybe if you wear leggings as pants I will…..)

So this one’s over to you!

Let me know if the comments below what you would like me to blog about – or ask me a questions you would like to answer in an upcoming blog.


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Can’t wait to hear what you have to say!

Cait xo