Do you ever have those days when you wake up feeling blah? We all do (in fact I’m having one today, hence this blog post).

You can’t decide what to wear, the thought of doing your hair and make-up makes you want to cry and you hate all your shoes? It happens, and it’s OK that it happens (maybe not everyday, but we’ll talk about if that is happening to you later) but WHEN it happens, how do you get out of it?

Well I’ve got 5 expert ideas to help you get out of your styling funk and get your mojo back immediately!

# 1. Put on your “break in case of emergency outfit”. You know the one. Maybe it’s that dress that you ALWAYS feel amazing in, no matter what. Maybe it’s your ‘comfort zone’ jeans + tee. Don’t try to re-invent you’re style today. Go with what you know and what you feel comfortable in.

# 2. Walk away. If you are having a ‘mare trying to get ready, go and do something else that doesn’t involve how you look. Eat your breaky, make your lunch, if you have time, go for a quick walk around the block and get your blood flowing. It might sound strange coming from me, but how you look is not the most important thing in the world – give yourself a break from it and go back in a better start of mind.

#3. Ask for help. Ask you husband, flat-mate, child or cat for advice on what you should wear. Sometimes they like the most un-expected things in your wardrobe, plus it takes some of the pressure off you!

# 4. Add lippy! If in doubt, add bright lipstick. It really will enhance any look! There have been studies that show that adding a pop of colour to your outfit can instantly lift your mood – and all it takes is a whip of lippy! Brilliant!

# Fake it until you make it. This is a bold one, but trust me, it works! Put on your most fabulous, bright, colourful, amazing, wow outfit, even if you don’t feel like you can pull it off today. You’ll be surprised how quickly your mood can change to match what you are wearing! I know this sounds like it contradicts idea number 1, but the outfits might be one in the same!

Fake it until you make it - put on your most fabulous, out-there outfit and soon your mood will life to match it!

Fake it until you make it – put on your most fabulous, out-there outfit and soon your mood will life to match it!

Still not feeling like you’ve got your style-groove back? I’ve got a couple more options that can help you out! Check out my e-book to help you kick-start your style in just 10 days, or if you’re in Auckland, come along to one of my group styling workshops, or book a 1-on-1 styling session with me and we can et your style singing in no time!

In the meantime, do you have any other tips you can share on how YOU get your style mojo back? I’d love to know!

Until Next Time, In Love & Style Always,
