So if you are a regular reader of the blog you know that fashion and clothes and shoes and stuff? That’s my thing. Beauty? Not so much. Sure I love a new lippy as much as a the next girl but I don’t by any means claim to be an expert.
What I DO love about beauty, is discovering new and exciting brands and products and sharing them with you guys.
So today we’re talking about a brand that has been on my radar for a while, but I have to admit I’ve never been in (I think as a result of overdosing on The Body Shop as a teenager in the 90’s you with me on that? Yeah you are!). Well I FINALLY had a sticky beak in a store and now I’m totally converted……
Seriously, have you ever smelt how amazing their stores smell?? I want to eat it all! But that wasn’t even the thing that impressed me the most. Nope, nuh uh, no way. What I LOVED about Lush was the passion and knowledge and love for the brand the girls in the stores have.

The Lush mantra
Lush are more than just a skincare company, they believe in ethically sourced ingredients, locally made products and supporting grass roots charities to name a few of their company values.
A friend and I went into the amazing Newmarket store (shout out to Helen and Jess) for some yummy facials and both walked away in awe of not only how our skin felt (and looked!) but of how much passion the girls in the store had for their brand and the products they are using.
My favourite product is an amazing Shower Jelly, yes you read that right, JELLY! This rubbery, floppy delight can be used in lieu of soap either at the basin on in the bath. The sensation of the jelly ball once it hits the water is indescribable, you’ll just have to go and grab one for yourself and give it a try!

Oh how I wish the screen was scratch and sniff so you could understand the deliciousness of this table of goodies right here.
So if you’ve never been into a Lush store (find your nearest here) out it on your list of things to do! But I’m warning you, you will NOT walk away empty handed! Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to drop my bubble bath bomb into my bath and relax (YES in the middle of the day, sue me!)
Are you are Lush fan? What is you favourite product? Tell me all about it (so I can try it next time) in the comments below!
Until next time,
In Style & Love Always
Cait xoxo
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Love lush. Try their Turkish Delight Smoothie and Ro’s Argan Body Conditioner.
OMG Samantha – Ro’s Argan Body Conditioner was the only Lush product before I went in, and I LOVE the smell!
I am definitely a Lush fan. I’ve never tried their face products but I love their ‘bubble bath bars’ range. The candy and raspberry scented ones are my favorites.
Oh YES, love Lush. I use their solid shampoo bars and they last months, even with daily use. I also love ‘Angels on Bare Skin’ for a weekly scrub, and ‘Lemony Flutter’ for dry heels. I buy the bubble bath bars as you break a bit off each time and they last much longer than the one-off bath bombs. Wonderful stuff.