A styling client of mine asked a GREAT question after our session last week….
“But how do I make sure I actually wear all these amazing new clothes now, rather than just defaulting back to my old faithfuls?”
I took a minute to think. I’d never been asked that before. But it was a very valid question as my biggest fear as a stylist is that my clients don’t feel like they can wear the clothes I’ve helped them select.
My answer?
You have to wear your clothes for YOU.
Stop worrying about what other people might think.

wear clothes everyday that bring you JOY!
Remember that giddy feeling in the change rooms? the one where you feel in love with that dress, or jumper, or pair of shoes? Go back to that! Dress for yourself, especially on those days where you might not even leave the house.
Sure there are also some practical ways to make sure you wear your new clothes:
- set yourself a challenge to ONLY wear your new clothes for a week
- create some outfits with your new clothes and take some pictures for reference (we did this as part of this clients session)
- throw out all your old clothes haha
But ultimately it’s about a mindset shift.
Fashion might be for others, but style is for you.
In this era of social media, we are SO caught up in comparison. We scroll through our phones, looking at what everyone else is eating, or where they are on holiday, or what they are wearing, and we get caught up in keep up. We start to shift our focus to what others will think. Of our social posts, or how we parent our kids, or on what we wear.
What if you got dressed every morning purely in clothes that made you feel amazing. In clothes that you love and that brought a smile to your face. How great would you feel everyday.
Now what if those clothes were actually also practical for your lifestyle, and they fit into your budget, and they were COMFORTABLE.
Guess what – they are the clothes that my client at the start of this blog has just added to her wardrobe with my assistance.
Clothes she loves, that fit her lifestyle, and her body right now and her budget. That’s the power of working with a stylist who listens to what you need, and finds the clothes you want.
Who are YOU dressing for everyday?
Cait xo
P.S. Are you ready to step into your style with confidence?….here are 3 ways I can help you to get started :
1. book a FREE 30 minute style consultation to chat about how I can help you elevate your everyday style – BOOK HERE
2. Join The Style Circle – my monthly styling membership and get an all access pass to me – JOIN HERE
3. Ready to work with me? This is your official invitation to work with me this year. To step into your style with confidence CLICK HERE