Last week a girlfriend and I headed off to some of the Fashion In The City events run by Big Little City and Auckland Council. It’s all about celebrating the amazing fashion scene around Auckland city, and making THIS seasons fashion accessible to the public.

Trelise Cooper was the first show we saw, so how could I NOT wear something from her collection.

This dress is from her COOP range, aimed at slightly younger (and I think slightly shorter) customers than her usual wearer, but I love it all the more for that!

What do you think? The cape makes me feel like a super-hero haha!


I’m wearing:

COOP “The Great Es-Cape Dress” on sale now $195 (black) $240 (floral) ~

Target heels $40, find similar here ~

~Thailand “Jimmy Choo” bag ~

COOP_ChasingCait_2 COOP_ChasingCait_5



I wasn’t entirely sure about the dress to start with, it’s VEY short on me and I’m conscious about looking top-heavy when things are too short. I’d only previously worn this dress with tights and boots (somehow tights always make short things better don’t they) but I figured, if I didn’t wear to to a Trelise Cooper event, when would I wear it!

I may have also done a sneaky change later in the day and popped on my pink Converse trainers – they still looked cute, but were much easier to walk in haha!

BIG sleeves seem to be a bit of a trend at the moment, stay tuned on the blog for a feature on it coming soon……What are your thoughts on wearing a dress with a cape? Love it? Hate it? I’d love to know – tell me your thoughts in the comments below

Until next time,
In Style & Love Always
Cait xoxo


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