Are you a morning person? I certainly am not! Never have been – so anything I can do the night before to get myself ready for the morning is a godsend!
I”m that person running around like a mad chook 5 minutes before I need to leave, looking for my necklace, trying to eat my breakfast AND apply my mascara all the same time, only because I choose that extra 20 minutes to snooze….. you too?
Well I’ve got TWO things in this one blog post you are going to love! Some simple tips, PLUS a giveaway!
Thanks to Esteé Lauder’s Advanced Night Repair Intensive Recovery Ampoules, specially designed to help reduces daily stresses on your skin, I’ve got 5 night-time style rituals that will make your mornings so much easier!
PLUS you can win yourself a course of these amazing little pockets full of goodness just for sharing your best tip too (see below)
But first, my top 5 tricks…..
Clean Your Room. I know I sound like your mother, but take if from one that has a LOT of clothes! The more organised your wardrobe is, the less stressful getting dressed everyday becomes. Put your clothes and shoes away when you take them off, don’t leave it to the weekend when you have to wade through a massive pile.
Get inspired. Sick of all your clothes and feel un-inspired when you DO go to get dressed? Then it’s time to re-kindle the JOY of style! Rather than watching yet another episode of Real Housewives of OC (you know you do it), why not jump on Pinterest, or a few everyday style blogs and look for cool and interesting outfit combos you could try yourself.
This will give you a few fresh ideas for the next morning (or you could even get your outfit ready the night before… see my next point)
Choose Your Shoes. Now some people like to choose their whole outfit for the next day to make the morning less stressful, which is AWESOME, but if you are like me and tend to rely a little on that “I’ll see how I feel” mentality of getting dressed, at least CHOOSE YOUR SHOES the night before.
Think about what you are doing the next day – does it require lots of walking? (start with your Converse), is it going to be raining? (long boots are a good option), or are you heading out for drinks that night? (then pack those heels baby!). I often start my outfit with my shoes and work from there, and I find is helps dictate the rest of the look.
Organise Your Wardrobe – and keep it that way. This is one of the biggest things I do to help my 1-on-1 personal styling clients – get their wardrobe in shape so they can SEE everything! If your wardrobe is organised, it makes like SO much easier to find things, and you don’t have to remember what you own, you just look in the “jeans section” and all your jeans are there!
So don’t be scared to use one night a month to do a quick clean up and sort through your wardrobe, making sure it’s in tip-top shape for not only the next morning (when you’re sleep-filled eyes might not see that jacket as easily if your wardrobe is messy), but also for the next few weeks!
Pack Your Bag – I should do this more than I should, but cleaning out your handbag (and making sure that you have the right size/colour/style for the next day) is a really quick and useful thing to do at night.
Get all those lipsticks off the bottom and put them back into your makeup collection, pull out that discarded scarf/necklace that you took off last week and couldn’t find the other day when you wanted to wear it.
And then make sure that you’ve got everything you need for tomorrow in the right handbag, so all you have to do is grab it on the way out the next morning, genius right?
Now take the stress out of your skin too!
So like I mentioned earlier, the team at Esteé Lauder have come up with an intense treatment to help take the stress out of your SKIN. Stressed skin can make your look tired and can age you (we don’t want that do we) so by using these little ampoules EVERY NIGHT for 2 weeks, you can help calm, repair and destress your skin.
These amazing little ampoules are available now (RRP $198) and they come in a jar of 60 so you get several courses of treatment in one jar. Visit the website to find a counter close to you.
How amazing do these little miracle-workers sound! And now your chance to win your very own treatment!
Simply give me YOUR best night-time style ritual that makes your life less stressful in the mornings. Pop your answer in the comments below to enter. T’s & Cs below.
I can’t wait to hear your tips! I hope you’ve found mine helpful too
Until Next Time, In Love & Style Always,
This post was brought to you by Esteé Lauder. Please support the brands that support this blog.
Competition Ts & Cs
This is a game of skill. All entries will be judged on their creativity by us.
The giveaway is open to New Zealand residents over 18 years of age. It commences on Thursday July 28 2016 and closes on Friday August 12 2016. The winner will be decided on Saturday August 13 2016 and then contacted via email. If the winner does not respond within 48 hours to our email, another winner will be chosen. By entering this competition, entrants accept that I will email the winner with the email provided and publish their name on this blog post and that your email will be added to the Chasing Cait mailing list.
Thanks for the awesome tips! I’m enjoying reading what everyone else does as well :). I make sure my clothes are laid out before I got to bed and that I have our lunches ready to go for each day. I also try and plan the next days dinner so if I need meat out of the freezer it’s done and ready to go. Takes the stress out of the 4.30pm panic as well x
Always go to bed with a to do list for the next day (waking up knowing what’s coming helps coordinate outfit while taking the extra snooze) and check metservice app (also about outfit choice). Also keep everything in handbag contained for easy bag swaps … I have a cosmetic purse for makeup, one for practical stuff (hair tie, tampons, sanitiser etc), and one for snacks. Just transferring those three things and my wallet means I always have everything I need.
Make sure my phone is charged for the next day!! As a real estate agent it puts you on the back foot in the morning if you’re phone (and yourself) are not 100% charged to go.
My best nighttime style ritual is to de stress myself, clear my mind and ready for the next day. I have psoriasis so taking the 20min to myself for the silence that feeds my soul helps in every way and is best for me and my skin. I sit on my bed in the dark and total silence. During this time I pick outfits for me and my two toddlers for the next day down to shoes and coats in my head. After the 20min I go get all the outfits and ready them. For me I have a masking tape mark on my closet bar that I hang things on for me then the kids things go in the lounge. My whole life my mom made me get my clothes for the next day out and it became habit.
I always make sure the house is in some sort of order before I go to bed….dishes done or at least stacked…toys picked up and put away. Always makes me feel more organised waking up to a semi clean house. I’m also a list person so I write down anything I need to do the next day 🙂
I do a lot the night before. Lunches made. Dishwasher on and unloaded before I go to bed and house fully tidy and clean. Makes me more motivated in the mornings waking up tidy and organised. Plus being a busy mum I’ve recently done a capsule wardrobe so makes it easier for me to pick what to wear in the mornings, my wardrobe was a mix matched nightmare before 😊 Doesn’t work for everyone, but I love it
Simply give me YOUR best night-time style ritual that makes your life less stressful in the mornings. Pop your answer in the comments below to enter. T’s & Cs below.
Every Sunday I try to do a face mask, organise my wardrobe and have my lunch made so that I’m set up and ready for the week ahead. The lunch thing might drop off by about Tuesday lol but I always feel less stressed when I know I have lots of clothing options to choose from (nothing worse that really wanting to wear something that’s dirty!). And even if my mornings might be a bit stressful, I definitely don’t want that to show on my skin so giving it a little extra TLC in the weekends is always good. Love your blog, so helpful! X
Definitely making lunches and packing bags the night before! Also, getting something out for the next day’s dinner stops a 7am deep freeze scramble
Making/organising lunches the night before means more time for me to apply make-up etc in the mornings!
I wash, dry and straighten my hair at night and then braid it. In the morning it just needs a little tidy up with the straightening tongs and a spray for the day!
In the shower the night before, I construct potential outfits in my head – right down to my shoes & accesories. I ‘choose’ the one I want to wear & go with it in the morning. It makes things so much faster!
haha thats totally what I do too!
Honestly, if I set my alarm the night before, then I’m one step closer to being ready in the morning on time! If I have somewhere to be then I’m super organised the night before, but if I’m just doing school drop and returning home, I like to savour that extra 1/4 hour of sleep. The thing that works best for me getting ready efficiently in the morning is to have a checklist waiting on the bench for me of all the things I need to do before we leave the house. That’s my saving grace. I always, always spend time removing makeup and doing my nightly routine so would love to add this amazing product into my regime – I have heard really good things! PS: Can’t wait to meet you babe. x
I love the checklist idea – with my baby brain maybe I should start doing that! xx
After having 2 spinal fusion’s I am extra conscious of relaxing and taking carevof my body and skin. My night time tip is breathing deep breaths in and out until my heart rate slows down. I also like to massage my face as it helps to relax my mind and skin after moisturising.
This is perfect, I return to work tomorrow after maternity leave, excellent timing for these tips! I prepare the children’s clothes & bags, check the weather and think about what outfit I’ll opt for, but it’s a great idea to pull everything together in the evening so it’s ready to go. I’ll start tonight!
I’m best if I get up early and run before work…most cool mornings I change my mind and reset my alarm 🙁 so to make sure I’m winning on cool mornings I lay out my running gear including underwear and shoes etc within arms reach the night before…once I have run beauty and style are easy 🙂
I always get my clothes ready and as its winter have a scarf and coat sorted too. I also pack my toddlers bag for daycare and choose what he is wearing.
It pays to be organised as he might be having a slow morning.
What great advise ! Thank you
And loving reading others comments & tips I am definately inspired . Any style pictures of outfits would be great .
glad you love the tips Esther! Styled outfit will be back on the blog soon, just a little hard to do right now as I’m expecting a baby any day now! watch this space though 🙂
I have to be super organised the night before so that I can have my 3 kids and myself all ready and out the door by 7.30am!
Lunches are made, bags all packed, school uniforms, my clothes, shoes all cleaned (Sunday night for the week ahead!) and breakfast, breakfast bowls all ready set out the night before! Makes the miring seem to run so much smoother and less stressful! for us all – although I still feel like my skin is in need of some extra care!
For 20years I have always organised lunches, cuppa, breakfast, gym bag even down to umbrella BEFORE I go to bed.
Face oils after cleaning and hand cream beside bed so it goes on and I go to sleep.
Make sure car keys, wallet phone water bottle etc are on the bench ready in the one place. Saves the mad rush trying to find them all on the way out in the morning. And like you I always decide on tomorrow’s shoes. Sets up the outfit easy in the morning if that is decided already.
haha I need to get my husband to do that! It’s always his things we are running around trying to find in the morning!
Unpack and repack the gym bag, pick and pack next day’s outfit and set out gym gear. Have lemon on hand and fill the jug for lemon and hot water in the contigo travel mug for the morning drive to the gym.
Night before my glasses are cleaned & next to my bed, phone on a charging mat ready to grab, with handbag ready to pick up back door with car keys hanging on its hook as I leave.
This is not every night but that’s the plan: I empty lunchbox & pop back in 2 fruits & my nuts. Then I decide what to wear tomorrow working from shoes up! All accessories included. Outfit is planned depending on what I’m doing. And some nights I don’t and some weekends there’s a pile of clothes to sort that haven’t put away. Not quite mastered that yet!!
I can’t function during the day without something to eat before at least 9am but I run out of time to eat before I leave home. So before bed I prepare something to grab out of the fridge as I head out the door – usually a yoghurt, muesli and fruit blend with a dash of cinnamon and a drizzle of honey on top which makes a yummy breakfast treat and especially makes a Monday morning feel better 🙂
I’m pretty lucky as I wear u inform most days BUT I exercise everyday too so I pack my bag…toiletries…shoes….towel….every night so all I have to do in the morning is wake, wash, eat and dress. If I’m going away will pack all outfits for each day into separate packing cells too
Do a quick hiit workout if possible, proper dinner and a nice slow shower before you unwind. Do that one activity that you love or helps you to replenish for the next day – it could be spending time with your family, reading or watching Netflix. You may not have that much time on some days so prioritise. An hour before bedtime, plan your outfit and a to do list for tomorrow. Lastly and the most important, – reflection time! Think if there’s anything you can improve on today and how to be a better YOU tomorrow!
Sounds super boring and I swear I’ve turned into my mother, but I always do a quick cleanup of the kitchen bench- put all dishes away, sort the general daily clutter and give it a wipe. Feels so much better to start the next morning with it tidy- not that it lasts long though!
I take a nice hot shower and remove my makeup before going to bed. Also plan for the outfit for the next day and think of what I am grateful for in my life.
Every evening… A good skincare routine. I cleanse, tone and moisturise. (At the least, after a big day, out come the makeup remover wipes followed by moisturiser). Can’t get enough of the moisturiser this time of year with the heat pump and Winter air- my skin is soaking it up!
Not only do I get my clothes out ready, I also get my 2 girls clothes out and school bags packed so there’s no looking for things in the morning.
I prestyle my hair, add smoothing serum, a little straightening iron work, then twist into a top bun. In the morning it takes only a few minutes to do my hair.
I like to pick out 5 outfits that I love on Sunday night for the week then depending on weather and activity I can then choose which one will work each morning
A habit that my dear 97 year old Poppa got me into was polishing my shoes on a Sunday night. Having your boots and shoes looking great makes any look way more polished and tidy.
Every night I pick out my entire outfit, jeans/skirt, top, jacket, boots. Depending on what is planned for the next day. Work, errands etc. While picking my clothes, I also pick my accessories, (I am big on accessories) earrings, necklace and bracelet. I tend to go through cycles with my clothes. So black and greys are popular with me at the moment. In a couple weeks it could be more blues and greens with blue denim. Because of this I tend to every few weeks move my clothes in my wardrobe so I can see different items I can mix together.
I always get my breakfast out and ready to go in the morning – tea bag in cup, cereal/porridge in bowl and I always get my outfit ready! I am way too indecisive in the morning and have little time as have three kids to wrangle for school or preschool! Good luck with your baby….special times ahead 🙂
Teach your children from an early age that everyone in the family has little jobs to do that make your home run smoothly. My boys 7 & 3, empty their bags (lunch boxes, drink bottles and homework) put their bags away in their rooms. I lay put their clothes the night before, and they know they need to be dressed before they come downstairs in the morning!
After dinner I go and change into comfy pants and go through my night ritual of makeup off cleanse tone moisturise – if I leave it til bedtime I’m often sloppy and don’t do it properly
I’ve tried many ways to organize my closet mostly based on articles of clothing e.g. blouses, long sleeve tops, short sleeve tops etc.all in the same section. However oddly enough I find if I organize my closet by colour I can quickly make a decision based upon previous outfits colour combinations that I know work well.
I make our lunches and leave it ready to go. That way I have more time in morning to get ready
I have 3 different coloured lipsticks in my handbag, each in their own holders with a mirror that you can get from Farmers. I find it is the very last thing I do as I am getting in the car for school drop offs. At a glance I can see which one I want.
I shower at night so I don’t have to in the morning. Before kids I had my shower in the morning to ‘wake up’ but now I find it takes too much precious time.
I always check the weather report so that i have an outfit in mind to suit and usually choose two options in case i need to change my mind the next day and then lay everything out including jewelry and shoes. With a baby in the house again this is even more essential! I will also often decide hair/makeup options to suit so that i have a plan in mind. Before children i also used to do a big try on once a week to come up with new outfit combos and then i would have a weekly plan on outfits ready to go!
when i get home I spend 15 minutes to change, take off makeup, put clothes in wash/away. PICK OUT TOMORROWS OUTFIT – yes – shoes, necklace, outfit, scarf etc & choose bag. Then the next day – no made dash around with what to wear as all done!