Sorry if this makes you blush, but I totally have a new girl-crush. Last night I was lucky enough to attend the Brisbane book launch for Zoë Foster’s new book, Amazing Face. Zoë is a former beauty editor for Cosmo (under Mia Freedman – my other long-term girl crush) and Harpers Bazaar. She has written four books now (one with now-boyfriend, but not at the time, Hamish Blake) and her fourth book, Amazing Face, is a ‘best of’ of all the things she has learned in her career.
So back to the girl crush – I feel a little silly, we are almost the same age (I think I am a little older, which makes it slightly more awkward) but I sat at the launch like a silly little teenage girl, thinking ‘man, when I grow up, I want to be just like Zoë!’. For a start, she is funny, and I mean FUN.NY! And she writes EXACTLY like she talks (which I love, cause I think I do too most of the time). She is GORGEOUS! but not in a ‘man, I will NEVER look like her!’ way, in more of a super cute, girl next door that has really nice skin and hair, kinda way….. anyway, I think I need to stop gushing now…. (Zoë, if you ever read this – I’m not a stalker, really!) and get to the actual point of this post!
My new beauty routine! So fashion is my thing, but when it comes to beauty, I’m kinda green (as you may have realised from my very first beauty post here). Saying that, I don’t mind that I don’t know much about beauty, I think that is a great way for all of us to learn some new things together!
Zoë’s book is split into three sections, and when I got home last night, I got stuck right into the first section – skin care. I have not always had the best skin, I have naturally VERY oily skin (which apparently is good because it means I will have less wrinkles when I get older – yeehah!) but right now it can be a pain in the behind (high school was worse, do not even get me started! I’m surprised people even looked at me without screaming, my skin was SO bad!)
Annnnnyway – oily skin. This makes me VERY scared of pretty much ANY product. But, over the last few years, I have started to amass a small collection of products that are nice to my skin, and thought I had a pretty good skin routine down pat. This biggest thing I have learned in the last few years, and Zoë’s book really drilled the point home, EVEN IF YOU HAVE OILY SKIN, YOU STILL NEED TO MOISTURISE! Who knew?!
The only product that seemed to be missing from my nighttime routine is serum (“what is serum?” the boy asked last night when I told him this “I dunno, but Zoë says I have to use it” was my educated reply. So I need to find a serum, one that is appropriate for my skin, and one that I can afford.
While I’m there (looking at beauty products in the isle at Coles) I need a new body scrub (does anybody else get little bumps on their legs in winter? I think its because I don’t moisturise as much and the little hairs get trapped under the skin? Over-share? my bad) and since I will have nice, silky smooth skin from the body scrub, I need a new fake tan (but not a summer strength one, too brown in winter = obviously fake tan) . So here are the three latest editions to my beauty cabinet:

Garnier body sugar scrub ($12.99), Q10 Anti Wrinkle Serum ($4.99) Palmers Coco Butter gradual tanner ($8.99)
This post is just the result of reading section one of Zoë’s book, stay tuned for what I learn in the next few sections! And in the mean time, go get this book (then I can talk in page numbers!), it’s kinda like having a cool sister or friend sharing all their beauty secrets with you (or don’t get the book if you DO have a cool friend or sister sharing their beauty secrets – I only have a little brother ok!?)
Do you have a fav skin care product that is part of your everyday face? Share so the rest of us can give it a go!
Disclaimer: Yes, I am taking part in ‘No Buy July’ (as opposed to Dry July – ha! likely!) at the moment, but it officially does not include beauty products (says me!) so these purchases are in the safety zone 🙂
Love her webisodes and this book is great! I’ve got the “smokey eye” look down pat thanks to Zoe now. 🙂
A really good serum for oily skin is Rosehip Oil. It’s only 20 bucks from Priceline/Chemists and it not only helps with wrinkles and dehydration, but it also helps to regulate the oil flow in us oily skinned lasses. Go figure!!
Oh exciting! Must check it out next time I’m at priceline, thanks! X
I just read a review of this the other day and decided I really wanted it! In the review, it said that she says you should put your sunscreen on before anything else… ‘Splayn please!!!!
she said the other night that you need to let the sunscreen sink into the skin, if you put it on top of the moisturiser, the moisturiser doesn’t work 😉